Friday, April 26, 2013

A Dangerous Method (David Cronenberg, 2011)

Cronenberg’s latest film is also one of his blandest cinematic offerings. Depicting the friendship and fallout between Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud, the film just lies there like a dispassionate lover,  only allowing its characters to go through the motions, which they do rather unconvincingly.
Jung and Freud are adequately portrayed by Michael Fassbender and Vigo Mortessen. But Kiera Knighley once again annoys with a performance that manages to be both dull and over-the-top. Vincent Cassel, in contrast, shines as Otto Gross but his screen presence is unfortunately limited to just a few scenes.
It should be said that “A Dangerous Method” has some of the most stunning cinematography I’ve seen in a film this year. But, it is also quite forgettable.


  1. This movie was just okay, as you noted, but I did want to strongly agree that Keira Knightley really chews some scenery in this one, shrieking and gesticulating wildly as the neurotic Russian pscyhology student/mistress. Acting!
